Downloading files

First, read the documentation on getFile method.

To download file you have to know its file identifier - FileId.

Finding the file identifier

Telegram Bot API has several object types, representing file: PhotoSize, Animation, Audio, Document, Video, VideoNote, Voice, Sticker.

The file identifier for each file type can be found in their FileId property (e.g. Message.Audio.FileId).

The exception is photos, which represented as an array of PhotoSize[] objects. For each photo Telegram sends you a set of PhotoSize objects - available resolutions, you can choose from. Generally, you will want the highest quality - the last PhotoSize object in the array. With LINQ, this boils down to Message.Photo.Last().FileId.

Downloading a file

Downloading a file from Telegram is done in two steps:

  1. Get file information with getFile method. Resulting File object contains FilePath from which we can download the file.
  2. Downloading the file.
var fileId = update.Message.Photo.Last().FileId;
var fileInfo = await bot.GetFile(fileId);
var filePath = fileInfo.FilePath;

The URL from which you can now download the file is<token>/<FilePath>.

To download file you can use DownloadFile function:

const string destinationFilePath = "../downloaded.file";

await using Stream fileStream = File.Create(destinationFilePath);
await bot.DownloadFile(filePath, fileStream);

For your convenience the library provides you a helper function that does both - GetInfoAndDownloadFile:

const string destinationFilePath = "../downloaded.file";

await using Stream fileStream = File.Create(destinationFilePath);
var file = await bot.GetInfoAndDownloadFile(fileId, fileStream);