Long Polling

Long Polling is done by calling getUpdates actively.

With our library, this can be done in one of three ways:

By setting bot.OnUpdate (and/or bot.OnMessage)

Console application

Setting those events will automatically start a background polling system which will call your events accordingly:

  • OnMessage for updates about messages (new or edited Message, Channel Post or Business Messages)
  • OnUpdate for all other type of updates (callback, inline-mode, chat members, polls, etc..)


If you don't set OnMessage, the OnUpdate event will be triggered for all updates, including messages.

By using the StartReceiving method (or ReceiveAsync)

Advanced console application

Those methods start a polling system which will call your method on incoming updates.

As arguments, you can pass either lambdas, methods or a class derived from IUpdateHandler that implements the handling of Update and Error.

By calling GetUpdatesAsync manually in a loop

You can specify a timeout so that the call blocks for up to X seconds, waiting for an incoming update

Here is an example implementation:

int? offset = null;
while (!cts.IsCancellationRequested)
    var updates = await bot.GetUpdatesAsync(offset, timeout: 2);
    foreach (var update in updates)
        offset = update.Id + 1;
            // put your code to handle one Update here.
        catch (Exception ex)
            // log exception and continue
        if (cts.IsCancellationRequested) break;