1. Introduction
    1. Quickstart
    2. First Chat Bot
    3. Full Example
  2. Beginner
    1. Sending Messages
      1. Text
      2. Photo & Sticker
      3. Audio & Voice
      4. Video & Video Note
      5. Album (Media Group)
      6. Document & Animation
      7. Native Polls
      8. Other Messages
    2. Dealing with chats
    3. Reply Markup
    4. Forward, Copy or Delete
  3. Intermediate
    1. Working with Updates
      1. Long Polling
      2. Webhooks
    2. Inline Mode
    3. Files
      1. Download
      2. Upload
    4. Stickers
  4. Advanced
    1. Proxy
    2. Business Features
    3. Payments API
    4. Mini Apps
    5. Passport
      1. Quickstart
      2. Files & Documents
      3. Data Errors
      4. RSA Key
      5. Decryption FAQ
  5. Frequently Asked Questions
  6. Migration guides to newer versions
    1. Migrate to v22.*
    2. Migrate to v21.*
    3. Migrate to v19.*
    4. Migrate to v18.*
    5. Migrate to v17.*
    6. Migrate to v14.*