Migration guide for version 18.0

Most breaking changes in v18 come from new Bot API changes, such as:

  1. In Bot API 6.0 voice_chat* related message properties were deprecated in favour of video_chat* with the same semantics and shape.
  2. With introduction of video stickers in Bot API 5.7 we needed a way to separate methods for different sticker types. So static .WEBP *StickerSet* methods and requests were given a Static prefix.
  3. Removed untilDate parameter from TelegramBotClientExtensions.BanChatSenderChatAsync method and UntilDate property from BanChatSenderChatRequest class.
  4. As of the next update some users will be able to upload up to 4GB files, so we changed FileBase.FileSize type to long?.
  5. A new way of configuring the client.
  6. ApiRequestEventArgs contains full request data.

Complete list of changes is available in CHANGELOG

1. Removal of VoiceChat* properties in Message object

Telegram renamed voice_chat_* properties in the Message class and with video_chat_* onces so we replaced corresponding MessageType enum members with the new ones.

Following properties in Message class and corresponding enum members in MessageType enum were changed:


Also property CanManageVoiceChats in ChatMemberAdministrator and PromoteChatMemberRequest classes was renamed to CanManageVideoChats.

2. Renaming static sticker methods and classes

With introduction of video stickers in Bot API 5.7 we needed a way to separate methods for different sticker types. We already used Animated and Video suffix for methods related to animated and video stickers so we decided to do the same for the static stickers:

  • Classes CreateNewStickerSetRequest and AddStickerToSetRequest were renamed to CreateNewStaticStickerSetRequest and AddStaticStickerToSetRequest.
  • Methods CreateNewStickerSetAsync and AddStickerToSetAsync where renamed to CreateStaticNewStickerSetAsync and AddStaticStickerToSetAsync.

3. Removal of untilDate parameter from BanChatSenderChatAsync method and UntilDate property from BanChatSenderChatRequest class

The untilDate parameter from TelegramBotClientExtensions.BanChatSenderChatAsync method and UntilDate property from BanChatSenderChatRequest class were removed from the Bot API.

4. Lifting of the FileSize limit

As of the next update some users will be able to upload up to 4GB files, so we changed FileBase.FileSize type to long? to accommodate this change.

5. A new way of client configuration

Starting with this release client configuration parameters should be passed through TelegramBotClientOptions class. You need to create an instance of TelegramBotClientOptions and pass it to the client:

using Telegram.Bot;

var options = new TelegramBotClientOptions(
    token: "<token>"

    // pass an optional baseUrl if you want to use a custom bot server
    baseUrl: "https://custombotserverdomain.com",

    // pass an optional flag `true` if you want to use test environment
    useTestEnvironment = true

var client = new TelegramBotClient(options);

If you don't know about test environment you can read more about it in the official documentation.

If you don't need extra configuration options you can still use the constructor that accepts a token and an instance of HttpClient:

var client = new TelegramBotClient("<token>");

6. Polling functionality in the core library

The latest biggest change which is not a breaking one, but nevertheless worth a note: deprecation of Telegram.Bot.Extensions.Polling package.

All the functionality from the package was merged into the core library under namespace Telegram.Bot.Polling.

Name of the method HandleErrorAsync in IUpdateHandler interface was quite confusing from the beginning since a lot of people assumed they can handle all errors in it, but in reality it's used only for handling errors during polling. We decided to give it a more appropriate name: HandlePollingErrorAsync.